
ZoneTraderPro provides a pattern matching suite of tools. The tools consist of price patterns, order flow patterns, real time divergence, and accumulation and distribution patterns. The tools focus on providing the trader real-time information. ZoneTraderPro is the best pattern matching software available. ZoneTraderPro identifies five different types of patterns, including topping patterns, trending patterns, reversal patterns and divergence patterns. ZoneTraderPro 3.0 Order Flow Pattern Indicator Suite eBay Skip to main content.

  1. ZoneTraderPro is the best pattern matching software available. ZoneTraderPro identifies five different types of patterns, including topping patterns, trending patterns, reversal patterns and divergence patterns. ZoneTraderPro’s Forex Currency Tool identifies when correlated currency markets favors bond and futures trades.
  2. ZoneTraderPro provides a pattern matching suite of tools. The tools consist of price patterns, order flow patterns, real time divergence, and accumulation and distribution patterns. The tools focus on providing the trader real-time information.
  3. ZoneTrader Pro v2 (Sep 2013) $1995 ( Zonetrader II (Jan 2013) $3995 ( Woodies Bars Collection (WBC) (Jule 2014) $5000 (
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Date/Time: Mon, 07 Dec 2020 12:38:25 +0000

Find My Order


[2019-12-12 14:35:48]
Antonio D - Posts: 104 | Ending Date: 2020-12-07
How to display the size of an order instead of the size of the fill ?
[2019-12-12 15:42:09]
Sierra Chart Engineering - Posts: 91863 | Ending Date: 2021-04-05
This is not clear for us. Specifically what order display are you referring to? For example an active order line on a chart?
Sierra Chart Support - Engineering Level
Your definitive source for support. Other responses are from users. If possible please keep your questions brief and to the point. Please be aware of support policy:
If your question/request has been answered and you do not have anything further, then it is easiest for us if you do not reply again to say thank you.
[2019-12-12 16:00:54]
Antonio D - Posts: 104 | Ending Date: 2020-12-07
Only Ninja and InvestorRT can do it.
Is it possible that in Sierra to reconstruct the tape like the examples shown on the web page zonetraderpro ????

Zonetrader Pro

[2019-12-12 22:09:15]
Sierra Chart Engineering - Posts: 91863 | Ending Date: 2021-04-05
The reconstructed tape is available when using one of the Sierra Chart Exchange Data Feeds. Just enable this option:
Sierra Chart Support - Engineering Level
Your definitive source for support. Other responses are from users. If possible please keep your questions brief and to the point. Please be aware of support policy:
If your question/request has been answered and you do not have anything further, then it is easiest for us if you do not reply again to say thank you.

Zonetraderpro Order Flow Software

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