How To Install Android Studio Zip

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This is how, we can install Android Studio on windows 10, as we tick on Start Android Studio option, the Android Studio will launch automatically as soon as we click on Finish button. Now Lets move on to Android Studio Setup. Step – 7: Here is the Welcome Screen. Step – 8: It will ask for the Android Studio installation type. Android Studio Installation Location The next window is about selecting the start menu folder. Accept the defaults and click on Install to begin the installation. Install Android Studio. If you want to enjoy all the modern features, conveniences and UI elements of Android Studio, then it’s pretty simple. On the Android Studio download page select “Download Android Studio,” and follow the instructions. During installation, however, there are a couple of things to consider.

1- Introduction
2- The ways to use external libraries
3- Way 1 - Copy external library to libs folder
4- Way 2 - Using the module library
5- Way 3 - Using remote library
1- Introduction
2- The ways to use external libraries
3- Way 1 - Copy external library to libs folder
4- Way 2 - Using the module library
5- Way 3 - Using remote library

1- Introduction

This document is based on:

2- The ways to use external libraries

You are developing an Android app on Android Studio, sometimes you want to use an external library for your project, such as a jar file.
Common langs is an java library with open source code which is provided by the Apache, it has utility methods for working with String, numbers, concurrency ...
ZipHow To Install Android Studio Zip
Suppose that you want to use this library for your Android project. And using one of its utility methods to test whether a String is a number or not.
In this document I will guide you 3 ways to use the external library:
  1. Add your jar files to libs folder of the project and declare it as a library to use.
  2. Create a Android module and copy your jar file to this module, and then declare your project using the newly created module.
  3. Declare and use a remote library.

3- Way 1 - Copy external library to libs folder

Create a project named AddLibsDemo:
OK, your project has been created.
Change to Project tab:
Copy jar file to libs folder:
Right click jar files, select 'Add as Library..':
Turn back to ' Android' Tab, you can see that your library has been already declared in build.grade (Module: app)

How To Install Android Studio Zip On Linux

OK, now your library is being already used.

4- Way 2 - Using the module library

Download android studio zip
Suppose you have a AddLibsDemo2 project, you want to use common-lang3-3.4.jar library for this project.
Create a Android Module:
How To Install Android Studio Zip
Next, you need to declare the dependency of the main project into the newly created module.
Add module dependencies:
You can check your module which has been declared in build.grade (Module: app).

5- Way 3 - Using remote library

Android Studio can use the library on a network, it is located in some repository on the Internet. Suppose you have AddLibDemo3 project, and you need to add the remote library to your project.
OK, the library has been added to the project, you can see on build.grade (Module: app).

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If you want early access to the next version of Android Studio, you don't have to replace yourexisting stable version. You can install the Android Studio preview side by side with the stableversion and work on the same app projects in both.

This is possible because Android Studio stores its settings for each install in version-specificfolders. For example, if you have the stable version of Android Studio 2.3and a preview version of Android Studio 3.0 installed on Windows, the settings for eachare saved in directories such as the following:

On Mac, these directories are in ~/Library/Preferences/ and~/Library/Application Support/. On Linux, they're in your home directory.

By default, all Android Studio installations share the same Android SDK tools location asspecified in the SDK Manager, so updates to your otherSDK tools are available in all versions of Android Studio.

Note: Newer versions of Android Studio might change some configuration datain your projects (such as code style settings in the .idea file), which mightnot be compatible with the older version of Android Studio.

If you don't already have it, download Android Studio stable here. It's good to havejust in case you encounter a new bug in the preview version.

Install alongside your stable version

After you download an Android Studio preview, simply save the applicationalongside any other version of Android Studio as described below.


  1. Unpack the ZIP file.
  2. Rename the resulting folder to something unique like 'Android Studio Preview.'
  3. Move it to a permanent location, such as next to your existing Android Studio installin C:Program FilesAndroid.
  4. Inside C:Program FilesAndroidAndroid Studio Previewbin, launch studio64.exe (or ifyou're on a 32-bit machine, launch studio.exe).
  5. To make the preview version available in your Start menu, right-click studio64.exe and clickPin to Start Menu.


  1. Unpack the ZIP file.

    Note:If you download version 2.3 or lower, the application name does notinclude the version number, so you must first rename it before movingthe new version into your apps directory. Otherwise, you might override yourexisting version of Android Studio.

  2. Drag the app file into your Applications folder.
  3. Now launch it.


  1. Unpack the ZIP file.
  2. Rename the resulting folder to something unique like 'android-studio-preview.'
  3. Move it to wherever you have your stable version, such as within /usr/local/ for youruser profile, or /opt/ for shared users.
  4. Open a terminal, navigate into android-studio-preview/bin/ and execute

Change your update channel

By default, each Android Studio installation receives updates corresponding to the channelyou originally downloaded (Canary, Beta, or Stable). If you want to change the update channelfor a given install, follow these steps:

  1. In Android Studio, select File > Settings (or Android Studio > Preference on Mac).
  2. In the left pane, select Appearance & Behavior > System Settings > Updates.
  3. Be sure that Automatically check for updates is checked, and then select a channelfrom the drop-down list.
  4. Click OK.

Android Studio Zip

When a new version of Android Studio is available for your channel, you'll receive a bubblenotification in the IDE. If you chose to ignore it at first, you can check for updates later byclicking Help > Check for Update (or Android Studio > Check for Updates on Mac).

How To Install Android Studio Zip File In Ubuntu

For more information about update channels and updating the various SDK tool packages, readUpdate the IDE and SDK Tools.